We’re raising the bar
As your trusted healthcare provider, Smile Dental Partners is committed to your safety and the safety of your family. Our exclusive Smile Safety Assurance™ redefines the dental industry’s safety standards. Smile is the first dentist in the U.S. to install UV-C pathogen control technology by UV Angel at all of its practices. Our safety protocols and technology upgrades are designed to keep you safe and give you peace of mind.

Smile Safety Assurance™
What to expect when you visit Smile.
Safety Protocols
Face masks recommended
MIOSHA (Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration) recommends that all patients (vaccinated or not) wear a face mask when entering a healthcare facility. If you do not have a face mask, one will be provided for you.
No-touch hand sanitizers
Our entrance is equipped with an automatic, no-touch hand sanitizer to clean your hands before entering the treatment area.
Smile team protocol
After you check in at the front desk, a team member will escort you to your treatment room. Smile team members do not report to work if they have a temperature or show signs of illness. Medical PPE equipment is available for our team for their protection and yours. Smile provides PPE equipment for our team at no additional cost to our patients.
Hospital-grade sterilization
In between patients, treatment rooms and equipment are thoroughly cleaned with hospital-grade disinfectant and all instruments are sterilized.
Green Seal Certified Cleaning
Our facilities are cleaned daily. This includes our standard practice of disinfecting all surfaces (including door knobs, light switches, handrails, countertops, computers/tablets, etc.) in accordance to Touch Point Cleaning best practices and Green Seal Certified Cleaning Program GS-42.
Health and Safety Guidelines
We are committed to following applicable health and safety guidelines and are constantly monitoring for updates.
Introducing Pathogen Control Technology
The first U.S. dentist to introduce UV-C technology.
Technology Upgrades
UV-C pathogen control technology
Smile Dental Parters is the first dental practice in the country to install UV light and IOT enabled technology by UV Angel, a Michigan-based company. The platform provides cloud reporting and administration to ensure accurate data and reporting for each of our practices.
UV Angel Air
UV Angel Air is an environmental treatment system that uses ultraviolet light to automatically and continually treat the air in our facilities and neutralize harmful pathogens. It works by drawing contaminated air containing viruses, bacteria, and fungi into a sealed UV-C chamber where they are quickly neutralized. Clean, treated air is then circulated back into the room 24/7/365. Laboratory results showed elimination rates up to 99.99%.
UV Angel Surface Technology
Computer keyboards and essential tools that are shared can increase risk of spreading viruses and bacteria. UV Angel Adapt Series uses intelligent, automated UV-C that safely and continuously detects and neutralizes surface contamination at a cellular level, killling at rates greater than 99%. The platform is designed to operate hundreds of times throughout the day, providing a safe, disruption-free workflow.
* For more information on this revolutionary technology, please visit UVAngel.com or email info@uvangel.com